“Life is a maze through which we must seek our way, lost and confused, now and again checked in a blind alley. But always, if we have faith, an unforeseeable door will open for us.” —A.J. Cronin
‘New lives for old’ has always been our lofty mission—and that’s exactly what we've delivered for the past two decades. The program was created to help all walks, colors and stripes transform their lives. It goes way beyond surface issues—like frustration, anger, rebellion, and addiction—and taps deep into the mind and heart. Participants embark upon challenging intellectual and emotional voyages. Along the way they discover their own underlying gifts and skills. At journey’s end they return home with meaning and purpose, confident of their innate ability to create productivity and authentic happiness.
Liberation NOT Motivation
Too many so-called development programs merely offer ‘motivational’ speakers and chirpy formulas. But this kind of so-called motivation is self-defeating. The only truly effective way to lasting change is liberation of the mind and heart. Happily, once armed with a deep, accurate understanding of why things go wrong, the way to authentic, lasting success becomes crystal clear. Now we are liberated. Now we are motivated, too. But this time we are self-motivated—inspired. Now we transcend the syndrome of serial self-defeat. Now, calmly and realistically, we take wings and create the life of our dreams.
A Whole New Perspective
Our unique 4-Walls Model instills a whole new way of seeing the world. A Door of Understanding becomes imprinted into the mind and heart. This model is strictlly non-denominational. It integrates the works of both classic and modern thinkers into an elegant, immediately applicable approach to life for every citizen who wants to realize full potential in the challenging new world that we share.
Wise and Empathetic Instructors Who Inspire Respect
We believe 'it takes an ex-offender to render an offender an ex.' And so our instructors are outstanding Eagles graduates. They know how to use fun, lively ways—including role-playing, debating, poetry, and movie screenings—to make the 4-Walls Model unforgettable. The discussions and debates develop confidence, knowledge, know-how, and life skills.
Unique Individual Counseling
Unique to the Eagles program is a database of responses to the Wareham Condensed Life Insight Questionnaire (CLIQ). This neat little values scanner—an Incomplete Sentence Blank to be precise—plumbs individual goals and needs. Developed and maintained during a lifetime of professional consulting, the Wareham database contains thousands of responses from individuals in all walks of life. The database and responses underpin the bestselling crossover life-changer, How to Break Out of Prison. Program participants are invited to complete the CLIQ, and, following computerized analysis of the responses, individual reports showing specific issues that each participant will want to address are confidentially shared in one-on-one sessions.